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JBM Construction Management has experience and a history of commitment to the development of new communities as well as the renewal of older communities. Using land sold, or conveyed, to JBM Construction Management and its investing partners, we facilitate the development of market rate and affordable housing by subdividing parcels and then adding infrastructure. The land/lots are sold to individual homeowners along with new housing units constructed under the strict supervision of the JBM Construction Management Team

The development team varies from project to project and is committed to providing expertise in a wide range of technical expertise and access to community resources necessary to accomplish the project mission.


Development projects are divided into four phases—

  1. Writing the Development Plan
  2. Predevelopment Phase
  3. Construction Phase
  4. Occupancy and Operations Phase


The project plan involves confirmation of the following factors to determine feasibility—

  1. Market Demand
  2. Site Costs
  3. Improvement Costs
  4. Operating Expenses
  5. Financing
  6. Homeowner/Tenant Affordability (if applicable)


The results from thorough study of these factors establish the foundation on which to build a fail safe project plan


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